TO: Members of the Bureau

FROM: Donna Knepper

RE: Excess Insurance

The WCRB has been asked to remind member companies of the excess policy filing procedures and requirements as found on Wisconsin Pages 40 and 41. The forms and endorsement requirements are:

"III. Policy Forms & Endorsements

  1. The Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau has filed a Specific Excess Workers Compensation Policy, an Aggregate Excess Workers Compensation Policy, and a Combination Specific and Aggregate Excess Workers Compensation Policy with the Commissioner of Insurance. These forms have been approved for use by all licensed insurers who are members of this Bureau. Member-insurers may use their own excess forms provided that they provide substantially the same coverage as the forms that have been filed and approved.
  2. Endorsement forms filed by the Bureau for use with the Standard Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Policy may also be used with any excess policy.
  3. Excess policy forms that differ substantially from the filed forms, and endorsements that have not been filed by the Bureau may not be used in Wisconsin without the express approval of the Rating Committee of the Bureau and the Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance."

Also, copies of all Excess Policies issued must be filed with this Bureau within 60 days of the date of coverage.